Day 3 - The Cave and Date Night
J & Karen & Alec
Sweet! Caves. (Guess what we found out? Jeremiah is not a fan of caves, especially ones that are completely vertical and you can only go up and down wet steps in. I wish they would have warned us beforehand, we would not have gone.)
Before the cave tour - happy family.
No, I'm not including pics in the cave, I took a few and they're not that great. It was a good tour, if you don't include the screaming baby part.
The crew eating lunch at "Michal's Family Resturant." Very interesting - when you're from the west coast, you forget that a lot of the country still allows smoking indoors. Icky.
We had spaghetti for dinner - it was great!! (thanks Dan!)
Date Night - taking a train to the top of a mini-golf course
Shawn with the airplane, of course.
Afterwards we got frozen custard (duh, you have to!!), and I added up our scores. We TIED!! Ugh.
I took this video for the sound - those of us from 'back east' may appreciate it. I call it.."Branson at Night."
Day 4 - Hiking!
I think we chose the most humid day to do a group hike. We were all really sweaty by the end of it, but J had great time picking flowers and playing in the dirt again.
"Are we done yet?"
Later, while the crew was back on the lake trying their hands at water skiing, we drove around and found an Amish store. We had to take Shawn's pic in front of the horse and buggy. (He gets teased at work for his "Amish" beard LOL)
Before we picked up the crew from their boating adventures, we found this park with all these trees. J had a great time running through them.
Notice the scraped up knees? He didn't seem to mind falling and getting hurt - surprise!
Looks like you guys had a safe and great trip :) Thanks for posting pics :)
Love all the pictures!!! Looks like you all had a ton of fun! :)
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