I started having contractions every 6 minutes apart Tuesday (the 26th) night. We went to bed around 1030pm but I kept being woken up by them. At about 130a Wednesday morning, I got up because they were starting to become more bothersome and were closer together. At 4am, I woke Shawn up and told him to get ready for the hospital. We got ready and headed out around 5am. At the hospital, they were going to send me home around 8am because I was 3 cm dilated and was planning an unmedicated birth. I had an ultrasound scheduled for 330pm that same day, so they did that before they sent us home. They found that my fluid levels were low so they admitted me. At 10am, we had our room and Shawn had gone to move our car and get our things - and my water broke. At this point, the contractions came on really hard and fast, and I asked for pain medication (they administer this through your IV). The nurse, KJ, warned me it could make me drowsy, which it did. However, it also made me feel like I was hallucinating. This coupled with the intensifying contractions made me feel like I was losing my mind. In addition, I had a really strong urge to push. Shawn called the nurse, who came in at about 11am, and I was 8 cm dilated. This is when I completely did the opposite of what I had planned on - BEGGED for an epidural.
Thank God the anisthesiologist was available, he came in, did the epidural, and actually gave me something else that would make it work faster, since I was so far already. It took affect so quickly and I went from what I would call a psychotic screaming person to being me again. The rest of the labor was a breeze - I started pushing around 1245pm, and Jeremiah was born at 112pm. It was an amazing experience!
Picture time!
Me before we left for the hospital:
After the epidural - I look pretty tore up, sorry, but it was rough!
There he is! I'll remember the first time I heard him cry for the rest of my life. What an amazing moment!
Baby on the scale picture...
Daddy and son!
Grandma G (my mom) and Jeremiah!
Me and my boy..
Grandpa G and Jeremiah
Daddy and Jeremiah on the lazy boy - one of their favorite places to nap!
Me and my 'baby weight' when we got home from the hospital. I thought I'd look smaller, LOL!
I'm just amazed at the whole experience of giving birth and the overwhelming love that I have for Jeremiah. I feel like God gave women the chance to feel just a piece of what He feels when he looks at us through the experience of childbirth. I have never felt closer to God than when I saw my son for the first time. I'm so thankful for that.
It's a pain like no other and it's a joy like no other. Welcome to parenthood!!! ;) I love all the details and pictures!!
I love all the pics and the lil story of how Jeremiah arrived. It's an amazing feeling giving birth...even though both mine have been via c-section...that first cry is something you will never forget. Take lots of pics because babies grow like weeds. Reagan had her 2 wk appt yesterday and is now 8lbs 2ozs and her face is changing daily. Enjoy your lil gift from God and we will chat soon!
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