Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bubbie (AKA Mea) is back!

Shawn's mom and our nephew, Caleb came to town for a visit. We picked them up yesterday at the airport. Caleb calls Anita "Mea" so that's what we may end up calling her, too! Unfortunately no pictures of yesterday...I'll upload them later as blogger keeps giving me an error message. Boo!!

Today was a fun day, too...I don't have any pictures but we went to Walmart and had photos taken of the boys together - they are really adorable and I can't wait to get them - and both boys were so well behaved, there were no fits thrown or screaming done. Then we went to Costco, where Mea bought us groceries for the next two months - thanks Mea!! By the time we got home, J was wiped out and fell asleep after maybe 2 minutes of crying.

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