Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Name Game Part II

Okay, I need to come clean. In a previous post I mentioned that we had a name picked out for Baby G. We did, but Dad changed his mind. So we are back at square one. Well, not completely - we do have a middle name: Christopher. I'm opening the floor to suggestions - serious ones, nothing like "Bullet" or anything like that, please.

Also, in random news...we are going to a wedding on Friday and I am so excited! All this wedding stuff makes me remember our wedding, which was THE BEST WEDDING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE EARTH. I'm not kidding. I worked my butt off to plan a fabulous affair and it came off beautifully. Here are some pictures!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Also, if you want to see the amature video of our wedding (LOL) there is a link on this blog somewhere. It's short and sweet, don't worry. And no, we didn't cry.


Mikele said...

I can't think of any serious ones! I always liked Emmett, but Josh said it sounded like Smith should follow. Of course, he loves William, but are we Braveheart or what? People would just yell "Freeeeeedom!" at him a lot.

Oh, and you look beautiful in those wedding pictures!

Anonymous said...

How about Bullet? or Iron, or Blade, or Titanium?

Nice pic ;)