Friday, February 8, 2008

"Mother of the Year"

What happens when you mix this...

(Jeremiah's beautiful face)

With this (frame for sliding glass door)?

You get this:

Here's the egg a little closer:

And of course, you get this, too - a guilt ridden woman who will so not be winning "Mother of the Year."


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the poor baby.
You know Rach, there is only more bumps and bruises to come !!

Astraea said...

I don't see blood, so it's all good! I'm already worried about broken bones with Mr. Tre!

Shelly said...

AWWW it's ok!!! He still loves his Mama! :)

Anonymous said...

It's a good sign, though, that J and the glass are still in one peice.

Carin said...

We all have those days... although I do have a lifetime achievement(sp)award for letting my two tip over the walmart shopping cart which in turn resulted in a swollen black and purple eye for April and a possible broken nose!! maybe I'll post that pict someday so you don't feel so bad
love you and miss you

Kristi said...

Glad we're not trading child abuse stories -- my, how I got the glares when Gracie had two, yes two, black eyes from a little mommy assisted trip into the corner of the wall. I still wince to think of it. <:\

Anonymous said...

Welcome to boyhood. It's a doozy! Sorry, J :)