Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great and busy Easter weekend!

First, the Laveen Egg hunt that a church and the town council puts on.

The most awkward Easter bunny picture ever. Balloon in J's face, major squint-face on me, Sarah's fat legs hanging out. Nice.

It was crazy - apparently 200 kids for the 1-4yr 'hunt' and 2000 eggs.

J and Sarah got their 10 eggs in record time. Sarah REALLY is an excellent egg hunter!

Church outfits Easter morning.

This dress is amazing. It's so poofy and pretty...I love it.

Kissing Mick.

Light saber!

Actually pedaling. Wow.

Dead peep pile.

Kris ending another peep's misery.

All in all, a great Easter. Sarah's a little sick, but doing ok.


Shannon said...

They look great in their easter outifts! I personally like to put 2 peeps on a plate facing each other and put them in the microwave, lol.

Mikele said...

I've already eaten all of my peeps and one of Miles'.

I'm still laughing at the bunny picture. Ha!

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

your videos were priceless and I LAUGHED all the way through Sarah's whining. Seriously. I hear that allll day long =) Oh Brayden, he keep me on my toes. and

ahhhhhhhh Sarah's wearing Brookln's dress. OMGosh, B. wore that for her 2nd Easter too!! Can you believe it? Still one of my favorites.