Sarah, is already starting to babble a little. Just little 'dadadada's here and there, it's so cute. Haven't been able to capture it on video though. She also loves to stand up and is pretty strong. She can't get to standing herself (although sometimes she throws herself forward while she's sitting like she's trying to) but if you stand her up next to something she'll hold on. She can't wait to start eating food - I just bought her a little booster seat and some cereal, which we'll probably start on Sunday. With all her issues, I'm a little nervous, but I am pretty sure she'll do fine. (of course we'll have benadryl just in case)
First trip to Costco sitting next to each other. They did great. J was sweet and kept kissing her head. (awww!)
Like I said, he's getting too big.
The kids with Grandma and Grandpa G. I think this is the first time Sarah's been held by my mom and she didn't start screaming. Yay!
Standing up!
J's amazing tower of blocks.