My awesome table at Mops - Go Daisy Table!
(Yes, I'm wearing a hat!)I love my MOPs group. And I love being a 'discussion group leader' - I pretty much lead a single table of women through the meetings, pray for them and their specific prayer requests during the month, email them throughout the 'off' weeks, and help lead discussions during the meetings. It's a time committment, but one I happily take because I love working with the women that both 'manage' Mops and the women who come to Mops.
I also LOVE that my children are cared for and loved during the two-two and a half hours (sometimes three hours!) that I'm away from them. The kids sang two songs for their year end program - "This little light of mine," and "Jesus Loves Me."
Sarah spent most of her time searching for me, but staying in her spot. And even though it looks like she found me in this photo, she didn't.
Jeremiah and his light - he actually sang this time! I was so proud. (At the Christmas program he just stood up there.)
He did spot me at this point, but he only waved and smiled proudly. He didn't cry, run, or otherwise freak out. I was so happy!Sorry the photos aren't better - I was hiding in the back so the flash didn't work, and the lighting was a bit dim in the church.
And, in other news, WE HAVE A CAMERA AGAIN!
The short story - we bought a new camera in December. Just before Easter, it gave a mysterious 'lens error' and wouldn't start. I called Canon, they said to send it in with the reciept. Only problem? I lost the reciept. I called Fry's Electronics, and was told I could come in and have a copy printed. I went in and was told I had to email someone. *cue furious Rachel*
I emailed the right people, and, while requesting my reciept, told them how inconvienenced I'd been by having to drive out there and back for nothing. I had a copy of the receipt the next day in my email! So I shipped the camera back, fully expecting (from extensive Internet research) that they'd email me and tell me it would cost $200 to replace the camera and that it wasn't covered.
Imagine my surprise last week when FedEx shows up with a box from Canon - in it was a brand new camera! It sounds like this 'lens error' is a common problem with our particular model and it can't be fixed, it can only be replaced. I was soo happy! My poor
other blog has really been suffering with poor quality cell phone photos.